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Imam Bilal leads a traditional dhikr. Before Covid, dhikrs were held in a circle with those who could do so comfortably seated on the floor. There are usually seven phases to the dhikr with the concluding portion for listening, often with a portion of the Qur'an. When support from those present is sufficient, Bilal sings prayers and praise over the dhikr chanted. The Dhikr of the Two Niles CD is done with musical support from Allaudin Ottinger and friends. See the Shop page for The Dhikr of the Two Niles that can be purchased as a download or CD.


Available free here are some excerpts and a full dhikr from 2008. A short excerpt attached here is from a Zoom Zikr with the Shining Heart community August 14, 2021. The longer excerpt and the full dhikr are from the Awakening the Heart Conference, at Asilomar October 2008, hosted by the Golden Sufi Center. Bilal gives an Introduction to the Zikr and leads the Evening Zikr with semazens, drums, and ney.

Shining Heart Zoom Zikr Aug. 14, 2021 (Clip)

Zikr-Shining Heart-2021Imam Bilal Hyde
00:00 / 07:31

Introduction to Zikr with Imam Bilal

Evening Zikr with Imam Bilal, Awakening the Heart Conference, October 2008.

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