Appointments with Imam Bilal; next Death and Dying workshop Thanksgiving weekend
Updated: Jul 1, 2023

As Salaam alaykum. Imam Bilal is feeling better. He has given us 18 appointment times and has decided not to fit in another workshop, but to continue with the ones scheduled for Thanksgiving weekend and New Year's Eve weekend. Please contact Subhana at soon to sign up for appointment times, to register for these workshops, and to arrange payment if you aren't local. More information below the appointment times.
Mon. Oct. 30 10:30 AM
Mon. Oct. 30 6:30 PM taken
Thurs. Nov. 2 10:30 AM taken
Thurs. Nov. 2 6:30 PM taken
Sat. Nov. 4 10:30 AM taken
Sat. Nov. 4 6:30 PM
Mon. Nov. 6 10:30 AM taken
Mon. Nov. 6 6:30 PM taken
Thurs. Nov. 9 10:30 AM taken
Thurs. Nov. 9 6:30 PM
Sat. Nov. 11 10:30 AM taken
Sat. Nov. 11 6:30 PM
Mon. Nov. 13 10:30 AM taken
Mon. Nov. 13 6:30 PM
Thurs. Nov. 16 10:30 AM taken
Thurs. Nov. 16 6:30 PM
Sat. Nov. 18 10:30 AM taken
Sat. Nov. 18 6:30 PM
Appointments are usually an hour and a half to two hours (may be less if over the phone), and he requests $99 or $100. He makes the call, so please let us know your number if its the first time he'll be calling you.
Upcoming Workshops:
Sat. Nov. 25, and Sun. Nov. 26, 2017 10:30 AM - 1 PM (Thanksgiving weekend)
Sat. Dec. 30 and Sun. Dec. 31, 2017 10:30 AM - 1 PM (New Year's Eve weekend)
In the workshop Thanksgiving weekend, Imam Bilal plans to continue the teaching on death and dying from the Sufi and Islamic perspectives, keeping the heart in the technical information and including some precious details not readily available from other sources. In this two day workshop he intends to cover burial, the relationship of the body to the soul, how to elevate the spiritual state of the deceased, and Sufi rituals of visiting graves. The two-day workshop is a sliding scale $100 to $300, remote attendance using Zoom (with video for those attending remotely or viewing recordings); recordings provided to all participants afterwards, insha'llah, or can be purchased separately, same price as attending. Please remember Imam Bilal and his family in your prayers. Shukran
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