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"Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Love" with Imam Bilal Sat. and Sun., July 27-28, 10:30 AM-1 PM daily

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

Hajj to Nowhere

Whenever you journey on the Hajj to Nowhere and enter that Sacred Space, circle

‘round the Ka’abah of Nothingness, the Holy House of Not-One-Place.

Here you will find the real Qiblah of “wheresoever you turn." It is there you will see

your True Love face to Face.

Honoris Causa: Ahmad Ghazzali d.1123

Imam Bilal Hyde

Albany, California

July 12, 2019

Imam Bilal will go over the exoteric dimensions (with personal experiences from his student residency in Mecca) and the esoteric dimensions of the Hajj (including breathing exercises from the three previous classes on Advanced Sufi Meditation Techniques).

Hajj season begins August 1 or 2, ("Behold the crescent's smile in the evening sky at sunset'). It begins 9 or 10 days of prayer and fasting, deep sacred nights listening to the whispers of lovers' weeping hearts.

August 10 is Yawm al Wuquf: a whole day of silent zikr and prayer, being with the breaths of millions of Hajjis from every corner of the globe. Many prayers, one Breath.

August 11 is the major or greater 'Eid, 'Eid-ul-Adha, the feast of Abraham, and all his people!

Classes are 10:30 AM to 1 PM, Pacific time, in Albany, California. Suggested donation, to Nurani Institute, of $100 to $200 ($50 to $100 per day of the class; please plan on attending both days). Remote attendance is planned using Zoom, with video of Imam Bilal. Recordings available afterwards, same price as attending (included with registration). Advance acknowledgement if you plan to attend, in person or remotely, very much appreciated (especially for remote attendance). Questions and registration to In any class, there may need to be changes based on Bilal’s perceptions of the needs of the moment. Shukran.

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