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Love is the Key to Forgiveness, Imam Bilal, Sat. 1/23/21 10:30 AM-1 PM PT

Updated: Jun 26, 2023

Love is the Key to Forgiveness Imam Bilal, Saturday, January 23, 2021 10:30 AM - 1 PM PDT

Always consult your own Nafs when you want to do anything—then do the exact opposite. Even if your Nafs advises all night vigils or prolonged severe fasts, Beware, the Nafs is an Imposter, always hatching a new plot. Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi Masnavi , Volume II, Lines 2273-2274 Translated by Bilal Hyde January 17, 2021 Albany, California

Remote attendance only (other than our audio-visual helper, Kevin) is planned using Zoom, with video of Imam Bilal. Advance acknowledgment if you plan to attend is very much appreciated (shukran). Please contact Subhana at to register (suggested donation $50 to $100; available to regular contributors), and to arrange donations if you aren't local. Please make checks for donations to Nurani Institute, a religious 501(c)3 non-profit (or Zelle to Recordings available afterwards, same price as attending (included with registration). In any class, there may need to be changes based on Bilal’s perceptions of the needs of the moment.

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