Seven Things to Know About the Qur'an, w/ Imam Bilal, Sat. 3/3/18 10:30 AM
Updated: Jul 1, 2023

Seven Things to Know About the Qur’an
Saturday, March 3, 201810:30 AM - about 1 PMAlbany, CA
The Qur’an is an endless Ocean of Wisdom and Love. So vast that, even if you could sail out beyond the farthest horizons, you could never reach her Final Shore. So deep that, if you could ever comprehend the shining Light of her treasured pearls or the delicacy of her precious coral beds, there are deeper mysteries even more subtle and secret still. Places so profound and unfathomable that no one really knows them except Allah.
Imam Bilal Hyde will share some insights on the Qur'an, Saturday March 3, 10:30 AM to about 1 PM. Suggested donation sliding scale $50 to $150. Remote attendance is planned using Zoom, with video of Imam Bilal. Recordings available afterwards, same price as attending (included with registration). Questions and registration to Subhana at
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